Tuesday, October 7, 2008


One night i was surfing the net, trying to find a Jay Chou song i heard month's ago on a fren's tribute blog. Having had difficulty locating it on utube, i decided to go back to the tribute blog to check it out. To my surprise, there were still people posting testimonials on it. I was so amazed and touched...wonder if i would have such privilege and pleasure like Tian Leng, to have such great family and frens to remember me when i leave this world.

Well anyway this post is not about me but I just wanted to share something with those who has lost someone really dear to them. As I had mentioned it to Hsieh May much earlier in the year...you know, you will never forget. Every hour, every minute..even to the last breath, it will feel like it was just yesterday, even though years have past. You will feel pain and sadness, you will wake up in the middle of the night in tears, crying and screaming in silence (so that you don't wake everyone else or to let others think you are going mad) - but you know, speaking from experience....you will heal, you will not forget - for they will live in your hearts. And yes, it will still feel like they had just left yesterday - even though, it has been years since that day they left. But, God has plans for us all. He knows when one's body is failing you so badly in this world, that it's best he took you back to his perfect world rather then to make you suffer. For the rest that remains in this world - well we will continue live and live strong. A friend once told me, "God will not put something in your path, if he didn't think you couldn't handle it". So, have faith and trust..sometimes we go through rough patches, but these experiences make us a stronger person.

LIVE STRONG and remember to pray for the souls of our dearly departed brothers and sisters...one day we shall reunite.


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