Sunday, December 30, 2007
Toast to a Beautiful Life Worth Living

Missing You Right Now
I'm thinking why he should go so early??that so many thing he didnt done yet. Why that day he should climb the wall to went to his room?why he didnt take key from his friend? why why why??? Why this should happen to him? Haiz..... Tian Leng i realy miss u!!
Whenever i open his blog, see his pic, his smile deep inside my heart i cant breath,its something chocking me. did i have to shade me tear?? Why?? Great loss of him make me speechless.
(Deep breath)..............anyway i believe tian leng was happy up there. cracking joke with the angels, running up and down the stairs with his smiling face. I think God also pusing kepala with his attitude. New year coming soon my friend, wats ur plan? sure u can see clearly the firework at genting from up there la ya.but please dont vomit cx u scared of high and if u does u making rain for us down here.
Happy New Year to you buddy! we love you very much!! I love you more! See you in the next life :)
Dennish Eyu
All I Wanted for Christmas
Not that we have one this year anyway.
- Hsieh May -
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Will u be there?

Time flies, you've been gone for almost a month already.. I miss you badly. Remember how we have those so hai secrets that we share and suppose to keep to ourselves? we'll just laugh it all out, in a sudden, and ppl around us will get blur and start asking and we'll just continue laughing. I remember clearly Wai Seng always du lan with us coz we always laugh without him knowing wats happening. I've got alot more to tell u jack.. where have u gone to? why don't u appear anymore?
I know everything is different these days back there without you around.. I've been calling Wai Seng for updates and ...my predictions came true. Nothing is the same anymore..nobody is connecting ppl together. Nobody is organizing things anymore. See how much of an impact u are to them friends jack? I know you can read this, i know ur listening to my ramblings, i don't ask for much just visit me someday please? I need to talk to you. badly.
Since u've been gone, I realized that life's not that easy anymore.. I am still trying hard to adjust to life without you. I have fears, fears of heading back to PD. Fears of goin back to the places we share the most time with. Fear of facing familiar faces, fear of accepting the truth. I am terrified of not being able to spend times with you anymore when i get home.
Anyway, we'll all remember u for being the best mate u are. The great times will never be forgotten, but i need you to be with us jack. Don't forget us. Never. Don't make new frens den lupa kawan lama.
Jan 31st, on monday, ill head over to st kilda beach to have a toast with you. Nee will be the other end at pd. Will u be there?
thanks jun jun for the picture :>
I Miss You So.....
Chan Wy Yee
Friday, December 28, 2007
I know that Tian Leng is a great football player.that is his most favourite sport of all.he even once told me that he came back 6 in the morning cause he was playing futsal whole night in Dataran Segar..even my youth fellowship friends said before that he can play very well. Wai Seng said that they were the best football team in pd and they named themselves Valentino.i think that this name is very one of a kind cause it sounds like a real football team in tv..he’s so hooked up in football that he would stay up the whole night just to catch an interesting game.And he would on bets with his friends.but..i dun think he’s a good better. hehe..
Know what..Oscar has been so dull and not so active since Tian Leng left.FYI,Oscar is one of our dogs. It is a shih tzu dog,we got it last year December and it is the most pampered dog among the other dogs!anyways,why do i say that he has been dull and unhappy?well..cause Tian Leng is not here anymore to play football with him and share and practice his skills with him.I tried playing football with him but i guess it aint the same as how Tian Leng plays with him.Maybe its cause i don’t have the skills that Tian Leng has..that why he’s not so passionate of playing with me.Usually when Tian Leng plays football with him,he would be like ssoooo hyperactive and chasing Tian Leng’s feet instead of the ball.hehe...and he wouldn’t give up..he would chase Tian Leng around,trying to get the ball and also to bite Tian Leng’s feet.I aint a dog so i dunno wat Oscar’s thinking..maybe he’ wondering...
“hhmmm...where’s my owner that always play football with me?where has he gone to?when is he coming back back?i hope its soon cause i cant wait to have another football game with him!”
Tian Leng likes playing with Oscar..he especially loves to tease him.tian Leng is also the expert on catching ticks for Oscar if there are and Oscar would just sit down there quietly.However there is one thing bout Oscar that he really dislike..that is when he shits or pees in the house!he’ll be like
“wahlao eh!”
The next thing you know is..
“June! or ah..May ah! or mummy...Oscar shit in the house”
He said before that if he pee its ok cuz “just take a newspaper and put it on top of the pee mah..den mop can liao.but if shit ah.walao..cannot lah..disgusting wei!” Thats why the other day i was was thinking to myself...he goes to the toilet,shit more than 1 times a day..i think max also 6 times..but he scared to wipe of Oscar shit.its the same what..juz take newspaper and wipe of the shit..not even touching it with bare hands wat..my sister asked him before he same question that i had in mind.well..what he said was...
“my shit nevermind mah!its mine..but that wan is not my shit,its oscar’s wan. yeerrrr!”
Well..sorry Oscar but i’m afraid he wont be here to play a game of football with you or catch your ticks for you anymore and he definitely doesn’t need to worry bout wiping off your pee and shit anymore. ;o)
i wonder if oscar can see him?maybe that explains why he will suddenly bark for no reason...if i can be like those people or animals like cats and dogs who can see things unordinary..if i can see Tian Leng ..i’d be like freaked out first..cuz...hehe..you know lah..scared of ghost mah..he oso like that wat..
But at the same time..i’d feel glad and happy..maybe stunned alsolah..but its a good thing to have that kinda xperience..to have that rush of adrenaline going through your body..hehe..well... i hope that the place that you are now,that you teach them your great football skills as what you had taught Oscar and your friends and carry on your amazing football spirit!! Go Liverpool!! ^,^
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
A Birthday Without Him
Few months back,my sister,Tian Leng and i were on our way back from a dinner. It was just the three of us..when suddenly my sister said something about organising a birthday party for me. i was thrilled and excited since the last one i did was when i was standard 6. At first i hesitated on whether to have it or not cause if we were to do one,it means there are alot of work to be done and we don’t even have a maid to help us out. Plus,i dun want my family to be tired and exhausted just to do this party for me. Then my sister also said that she can also add this event into her portfolio..so i thought..ok..why not? She even ask me what is the theme colour that i want for the party. Tian Leng also agreed to help with this party. He even said
“oklah..i can bring along my friends also”
“its june june’s party nothing to do with your friends also wat” my sister joked.
Even for my 12th birthday he was there to help and he brought wai seng along also. so i wouldn’t mind if he brought his friends along. As long as all of us have fun ryte? when i was younger, i would occasionally ask him about my birthday and he always forget about it and i would force him to remember it!but when he’s elder he still forgets but sometimes he was only acting that he forgets but actually he do remembers. few years back..can’t remember when..it was my birthday..
“koh koh...its my birthday today where’s my present lah?”
“hah!what day is today? today your birthday meh? i thought its later somemore?”
“nolah!! 2day is 27th dec lah!”
“ya oh.. *grins*”
“so...where's my present?! Eh?Where you going?”
“upstairs bathe la..wanna go see my friends liao”
Then off he went on his bike to meet his friends. i remembered i even nearly cried that he said that he forgot my birthday and he didn’t even bought a present for me! then he came back in the evening..i was still kinda pissed and sad.he didn’t say anything to me also just sit on the chair watch tv. then he took something that looks like a box out of his pocket but he realised that he took out the wrong thing and quickly put it back in. i saw what he did and i asked him
“whats that?”
“tell me lah whats that? i know i saw something. take out,i wanna see!”
“haiya..that one for my gf wanlah.”
But i didn’t give up..i keep asking him and i could see him grinning. i tried to take it from him but he was too fast for me so he dashed upstairs, lock the room.well..that time still small girl..i just believed whatever he said. then by night,when i blowed th candles of the cake,he gave me that box..it was white,i opened it. it was a blue cross necklace..then only i realised that the box that he was holding just now was for me..i was so happy..hehe..practically went telling my friends that my brother gave me that necklace.
When he was younger and i was even younger,he sometimes would hit me. it was very painful and i would start crying nonstop and he would scold me asking me to stop crying. I was also very scared if he raised his voice. back during those times,i would think that he doesn’t love me..he hates me .As time passes by,we grow older i know that actually he does care about me. Tian Leng doesn’t like it when my dad says things that he doesn’t like to hear and sometimes he would get impatient and will sound annoyed but he still controls himself to not have a fight with my dad. Sometimes when my mom and sister lectures him,he might feel that its disturbing and would put on a blank face and turn a deaf ear but actually he does listens. sometimes,he will have fights with prema and would say things that are hurtful and break up but after sometime to settle down he would tell her that he loves her very much and patch things up. his friends are a big part of his life. he’s always to back up his friends if they are in any sort of trouble. Tian Leng is definitely NOT a self-centred person, he puts his family and friends in front of him.
Sometimes we might think that he doesn’t care or love us cause his actions doesn’t show us that he cares but sometimes his actions and words show us that he does care about us. actually deep down inside he always does. Its just that he doesn’t shows it. Now, He’s just like the wind..he’s around us, he’s looking upon us, his love is ther... we can’t see it...we just can feel it. He will always be a part of our lives, in every step of our lives he will be there for us...side by side...he will still carry each and everyone of us in his heart forever......
Sunday, December 23, 2007
In the light of the sun, is there anyone? Oh it has begun...
Oh dear you look so lost, eyes are red and tears are shed,
This world you must've crossed... you said...
You don't know me, you don't even care, oh yeah,
She said
You don't know me, and you don't wear my chains... oh yeah,
Essential yet appealed, carry all your thoughts across
An open field,
When flowers gaze at you... they're not the only ones who cry
When they see you
You said...
You don't know me, you don't even care, oh yeah,
She said
You don't know me, and you don't wear my chains... oh yeah,
She said I think I'll go to Boston...
I think I'll start a new life,
I think I'll start it over, where no one knows my name,
I'll get out of California, I'm tired of the weather,
I think I'll get a lover and fly em out to Spain...
I think I'll go to Boston,
I think that I'm just tired
I think I need a new town, to leave this all behind...
I think I need a sunrise, I'm tired of the sunset,
I hear it's nice in the Summer, some snow would be nice... oh yeah,
You don't know me, you don't even care...
Boston... where no one knows my name... yeah
Where no one knows my name...
Where no one knows my name...
Yeah Boston...
Where no one knows my name.
My Guardian Angel
I also miss the times when you’d knock on my room door and ask me to open the door quickly as though there was something very important.. when I open the door,you would just barge in and then stand in front of my mirror.And i was like...
”err...don’t you have a mirror in your room?”
And you replied “your mirror bigger mah!”
And I would just smile at you...and then sometimes you will ask me questions like..
“eh, how ah this wan ok ah? I look better in this wan or just now that shirt?”
Sometimes I would give my opinion but sometimes before I could say anything you would say
“nolah,i think just now i wear that shirt better..this wan look damn gay ryte?”
And i would just agree and say yalor yalor..
There are many things that you do would make ppl laugh a Thousand miles..such as that crazy crazy and so-hai face that you make when you sing a song... your voice may not be as great as those of what you hear in American Idol and it also may go out of tune, but it definitely is the sweetest.
Since you left, your stuff such as the laptop is mine already.... I promise that I will take good care of it. So as your handphone and simcard. Mom say that she’ll still top up RM10 for you every month. Don’t worry cuz I will treasure it and keep it safe. There’s still the song Boston by Augustana in it. That time you really really love that song and you asked me whether i have it so i Bluetooth it to you. That time you were so blur.. I send to you already but you keep telling me that you check it already and haven’t receive it. I send again several times but your phone says cannot receive pulak. So you said... “oh,lidat ah..nevermind lorr..”
Mana tau when I was going through your phone. That song was inside there pulak. I told you and you were like.. “oh ya ahh??hehehe...oklor..”
This is a very peaceful and dream like song.You asked me whether i knew how to play that song on the piano anot..that time i said i dunno.then i asked my friend to teach and give me the chords.i finally got it right and i wanted to play it for you but i guessed i didn’t had the chance to do so.i also learned to play your favourite song during YF.”The Illusive Dream”.so everytime when i miss you or feel like talking to you i would play these songs.
That day i had a dream about you ler!!it wa the kinda dream that is kinda funny and weird to me la..it was like this..i was at this place(i dunno where also) with tables and long chairs..prema,wai seng were there and some of my friends were there also..after talkin to my friend i went to your table where prema and wai seng were there.after curi-ing something to eat from wais eng,you called me and walking away from the crowd.you looked serious and you whispered something to me.you were asking me about something..then when i told you the story,you realized that it was just a rumour spreaded by some gal.you got really angry and you yelled at her.telling her never ever say those kinda things bout me and simply spreading things that are not true.that gal got so palat dy so she just didn’t say anything and sat down there..
You looked very serious in my dreams,i got scared and i thought that you were gonna scold me.but instead you trusted me.i was very touched and happy when i woke up the next morning.cuz its like you are still here,doin your job as a great big bro, looking over your lil’ mui mui,its like you are watching my back,taking care of Me.
After that dream it felt to me like although your not here but you are my guardian angel,still and always protecting me.i thank you for all the love and care that you had given to me for no one can ever replace that brotherly love that you had given to me.
Jun Jun
Tian Leng had something about him that when anyone who came in contact with him will sort of get hooked on him.There was something infectious about him. I only knew of him through my daughter who use to talk about him from school and he had this bad habit of passing my house on Saturday nights in his parent's jeep and shouting out my daughter's name. He had been to our home for christmas but he was shy. When I went to college to lecture at the begining of this year he was sitting for his 3rd semester exam and was going out for his industrial training. I only had two classes with him before his death. I still remember his first class, after his class he asked me what Charmaine was doing and where was she going to do her degree? I told him Australia and he asked me about the cost.
I remember the Monday morning when Shaun came pass my office at 9.45 as I was getting ready to go to tian leng's for my lecture and he just said Gone. I broke down and also had to be the bearer of the bad news to all his friends.
Till today I'm finding it difficult to accpet his death I find it difficult to go to his class and believe it or not my children and I just don't feel like celebrating Christmas as it will remind us of tian leng. He had told Charmaine a few days before he fell that he will be coming for Christmas to our house.
Well tian leng we won't have the pleasure of having u with us but u will always be in our hearts.
Ms Maureen
Thursday, December 20, 2007
You Coloured the Sky :)
I wish u well up there. I knew you painted it so soothingly beautiful. I know you were the one who answered Prema with a shooting star. We miss your presence, but we all know ur around us, always.
I know u coloured the skies too :)
There's traffic in the sky
and it doesn't seem to be getting much better
There's kids playing games on the pavement
Drawing waves on the pavement
mm hm
Shadows of the planes on the pavement
mm hm
It's enough to make me cry
But that don't seem like it could make it feel better
Maybe it's a dream and if I scream
it will burst at the seams and
this whole place will fall into pieces
and then they'd say...
Well how could we have known?
I'll tell them it's not so hard to tell
na na na
if you keep adding stones
soon the water will be lost in the well
mm hm
Puzzle pieces in the ground
but no one ever seems to be digging
Instead they're looking up towards the heavens
with their eyes on the heavens
mm hm
the shadows on the way to the heavens
mm hm
It's enough to make me cry
but that don't seem like it would make it feel better
The answers could be found
we could learn from digging down
but no one ever seems to be digging
instead they'll say...
Well how could we have known?
I'll tell them it's not so hard to tell
na na na
if you keep adding stones
soon the water will be lost in the well
mm hmmm
Words of wisdom all around
but no one ever seems to listen
They talk about their plans on the paper
Building up from the pavement
mm hm
there're shadows from the scrapers on the pavement
mm hm
It's enough to make me sigh
but that don't seem like it would make it feel better
The words are all around
but the words are only sounds
and no one ever seems to listen
Instead they'll say...
Well how could we have known?
I'll tell them it's really not so hard to tell
na na na
If you keep adding stones
soon the water will be lost in the well
lost in the well
mm mm mm
- Jack Johnson - Traffic in they Sky -
this song reminds me of you so much
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Reminiscing Childhood Moments
Even though you’ve been gone 15 days, the pain of losing you and seeing you lying on the hospital bed is still fresh in my mind. I have never ever felt as helpless in my life as I watched you lie on the hospital bed. I pleaded with God to show some pity and mercy and let you live but God, for His own reason, did not answer our prayers.
I remembered you, Hsieh May, Cici and I playing around grandfather’s hotel compartment in PD. The hotel was on a huge lot with loads of rooms to hide so, we used to play hide and seek, with you and Cici pairing together and Hsieh May and I another team. And we also spent some of our school holidays going up to Genting. Just the other day I was reminiscing on old times and I flicked through some of the pics taken during our holiday to Genting.
You have grown up from a cute little boy to a handsome, strapping young lad and even though we are grieving that the Lord has taken you away at such a tender age, I know that this is only a temporary separation and that God has always the best plans for us. So, even though, we all miss you very very much, by God’s grace, we will all meet again and this time, never to be separated.
Missing you
Rest in peace
With love
Nini and Cici
Monday, December 17, 2007
Best Trainee
Blasius Hendrikus
The Spirit Carries On...
“I think how a person dies has to do with how he lived his life,” he said.
“But they don’t suffer. Maybe just for a short while-la. But they don’t suffer,” he continued.
“See, like Galvin’s father. Nice man wat. Dunno why so fast.”
“But those bad people ah…sure suffer damn long one. Or they live but cacat-ed u know….. I think God is fair.”
Sometimes this boy will just catch you off guard with deep conversations like this.
I know you're in a much better place now. At least, you didn’t suffer for long too. God has better plans for you. The Spirit carries on…. but you will always be remembered.
P.S.: Thanks Kwek for this song.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
AH PEK !!!
wat if u din climb out of the window n wait 4 the keys?
wat if u din go 4 de event n went back to pd strait?
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Sesuatu yang tak Disangka
itukah suratan dalam kehidupan atau sekadar satu kebetulan....
kita asyik membicarakan persoalan hidup dan pilihan serta kejujuran semakin berkurang...
masih tiada bertemu jawapan......
walau kita dihadapkan dengan pelbagai pilihan.....
Mengapa sering terjadi pilihan tak menepati.....
hingga amat menakutkan menghadapi masa depan......
seolah telah terhapus sebuah kehidupan yang kudus.
Sesuatu yang tak disangka......seringkali bukan pilihan sendiri.
Namun diriku akur dengan kehendak illahi.
Sebelum kata-kata dipanjangkan,terlebih dahulu saya dan keluarga serta rakan-rakan(palace of the golden horses) mengucap takziah pada sekeluarga KHOO TIAN LENG.
Laut yang biru berombak dengan tenang..........
Sedih dihati tidak begitu tenang...
Hanya berserah pada illahi apa kehendaknya........
Pena kata-kata akan meneruskan penceritaan kisah jalan kehidupan KHOO TIAN LENG di palace of the golden horses......
Dari sahabat mu
Mohamad Harris fasli Bin Ahmad (Sarawak).....................
Friday, December 14, 2007
You are the Man!
Every day i keep thinking of his face, his laugh and his funny smile. I still cant take it that he has gone to The Mightiest,is out of my mind!! I believed he still here,he always still with us!! ppl will i stupid and bullshitter but for me Tain Leng still near to us and i'm sure he will create thousand of joke to us whn he see us.
He is amazing man!! You Are The Man my friend!! My prayer for u will never end!! Rest In Peace! Dont be naughty and playfull! You will always in my heart!! Love you forever my beloved my friend Khoo Tian Leng!!
Dennish Eyu
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Dear tian leng
I dedicate this song to you tian leng. And I want you to know, that no matter what happens in the future, you'll always be my best mate, and I know you're living forever in our hearts.
Where did we come from?
Why are we here?
Where do we go when we die?
What lies beyond
And what lay before?
Is anything certain in life?
They say, life is too short,
The here and the now
And youre only given one shot
But could there be more,
Have I lived before,
Or could this be all that weve got?
If I die tomorrow
Id be allright
Because I believe
That after were gone
The spirit carries on
I used to be frightened of dying
I used to think death was the end
But that was before
Im not scared anymore
I know that my soul will transcend
I may never find all the answers
I may never understand why
I may never prove
What I know to be true
But I know that I still have to try
If I die tomorrow
Id be allright
Because I believe
That after were gone
The spirit carries on
Move on, be brave
Dont weep at my grave
Because I am no longer here
But please never let
Your memory of me disappear
Safe in the light that surrounds me
Free of the fear and the pain
My questioning mind
Has helped me to find
The meaning in my life again
Victorias real
I finally feel
At peace with the girl in my dreams
And now that Im here
Its perfectly clear
I found out what all of this means
If I die tomorrow
Id be allright
Because I believe
That after were gone
The spirit carries on
Tian Leng,
You are once again surrounded by a brilliant white light. allow the light to lead you away from your past and into this lifetime. as the light dissipates you will slowly fade back into con
Sness remembering all you have learned. when I tell you to open your eyes you will return to the present, feeling peaceful and refreshed. open your eyes, my friend.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
-Mohamad Harris Fasli Harris-
Kawan sekerja dari Palace of Golden Horses
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Sincere Thank You from the Family
Full post here --> http://natashakhoo.com/
Rest in Peace
Excerpts taken from Josephine's blog
Last Friday night,my college had any event organized by batch 18 students...
I didn't went for the event although i wanted too.. Because I was having my Fnb service practical. After the event finished,something terrible had happen. I only get to know it the next day.One of my senior (Senior Khoo Tian Leng) wanted to get into his room but he forgotten his key.. So he went to the next room and climb the window to get into his room. Unfortunately, while he was climbing, he lost his balance and fall down from 3rd floor.(His room is located on the 3rd floor), Many people rush to see what have happen cause they say he did scream.
I didn't hear the scream although my room is not fair from the place where he fall,because i was busy doing my assignment with the earphones plugged in my ears. After that,the senior was rushed to the hospital.Next day, news spread very fast. Everyone in the college knew about it,and everyone keep praying and hoping that he will be alright.Yesterday, i just know that he is in a coma state. Heard from my friend that after he was being hospitalized he was in coma.
This morning, we all go to class as usual. Before our lesson starts, our lecturer Mr.Fadzil, ask all of my batch to said a prayer to God to bless our senior and hope he get well soon. After 45 minutes our class starts, we were all interrupted by Ms. Dorothy.I don't know what she was discussing with Mr. Fadzil about,because both of them are talking outside the classroom. After a few minutes, Mr.Fadzil returned back into the classroom. He said" Aiya, Ms Dorothy spoilt my mood only".Then, i guess that something bad happen, but i didn't foresee that something worst will happen next. After that ,Mr.Fadzil continue his lessons and told us when he was still an apprentice. After a few minutes of having a good laugh with Mr.Fadzil, Ms Melissa interrupt our class. Mr.Fadzil went out, and he returned back to the classroom quite fast. This time,He said "Guys, I have a bad news for you. Your senior just passed away. So i have to go n visit him and I will see you in the next class." I could see that his eyes are red and wet.After that, he just walk out of the room.
All class are dismissed , Lots of girls in my batch cried after hearing the news.I think that it is a waste, cause my senior will be graduating in a few months.Although i feel quite sad,but i think that i have to move on with my life. I may not know who is this senior, but i will still pray for him. I may be sad but i don't think that i should saw the whole world that i am.It's not selfish, but it is making me stronger by not crying.(This is dedicated to Senior Khoo)
Dearest Senior,
You may not know me, and i may not know you.
But definately, i knew that you exist in this world before.
Hope that you will have a better life in the other world.
We will all remember you.
Rest In Peace.
May the Angels up there protect and take care of you.
ope you are happy there.And I also hope that when you are reborn back, you will be reborn in a better place, better time and in a better life than your previous life.
God Bless.
May peace be upon you.* Rest In Peace*
With Love,Josephine Ong
Monday, December 10, 2007
Testi by Adrian Wong
Tian Leng was one of my most dearest friends and knowing what happen really devastated me. He was always enjoying himself , not in a selfish manner but constantly making people around him smile . He was shy but playful at the same time , bringing joy to everyone with his bubbly attitude .
You will always be in our hearts and hopefully you may rest in peace. Always treated you like a brother and always will have.
Thank you for the joyous moments you brought in to my life and many others . You will be deeply missed.
Adrian Wong
My Darling Tian Leng

A Lovable Idiot
Sigh... the world seems a bit duller without you around mate.
A toast to the Sky Dragon. He's probably up there somewhere looking down and cracking jokes and making St. Peter rofl.
cheng loon
Sunday, December 9, 2007
cool picture
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Testi #22
I remember all the things I have done together with you and will never forget about it... you have always been my idol since the day I know you... I get to know lots of things from you.. fishing... basketball... cycling... everything man... eventhough we have not get in touch much these few years but still I always care for you... you know what happened right???

You will always be my best friend and no one will ever take your place... miss you and love you... see you bro...
Friday, December 7, 2007
A Tribute to a Wonderful Friend
it's hard to describe how you and i both relate. sometimes, i consider it as the wonders of port dickson... like to me, u will always be there.
i guess i can say we;ve grown up together.. we all have, haven't we? the youth of port dickson.. the bond have always been there. it's just that, it never did cross my mind that someday.. as soon as now.. u will be gone..
we went to church together.. share the same bunch of friends.. same school.. same whatsoever.. and funny, even with so many things in common, we were merely just acquaintance. every time we meet.. we would greet each other shyly and as though we've only met for the very first time..
i see u whenever u'd drive ur 3331 pajero to my house and call my brother out..
i see u whenever kun is back.. and we would hang out till the wee hours of the morning.. eating wan tan mee..
i see u whenever we travel back and forth subang with kun.. and how both u and kun would just crack me up big time and made me swear over and over again that you both were the most hilarious yet compatible pair of best friends i've ever come across..
i see u whenever we would hang out by the beach.. chilling and drinking.. and talking cock..
i see u whenever i hear the jay chow song that both u and kun kept raving about once upon a time..
i see u everywhere..... and always cos u're the closest friend to both my brother and my bestest friend. both very important person in my life...
and suddenly, you expect me to believe that you're gone?
i don't know why it hurts this much.. maybe u've become a favorite friend of mine sub consciously.. i dunno...
ever since i was admitted to the hospital, until today,i've been silently praying for u..... i thought we could both work our ways out.. i'm sorry that my body fails me jack.. which was why i didn't even have a proper chance to say goodbye...
i wish i could've been there for you...
just like how u did when i had an accident months ago.. and cracked some stupid joke about morphin or something wtf.. i knew u were trying to make me feel better and it really did...
and just like how u will always be there.. albeit in silence...
its only memories now... memories of how great of a friend u were, how funny of a joker u've always been... how everybody just loves to have u around... i know how devastated my brother had been... and how lost my best friend kun were for the past couple of days... this is how much you're loved jack, do u know?
deep down inside, i know u'd continue to live in our memories... and i know u will ALWAYS be there....
and FOR THAT, jack, just wanna say that you will be deeply missed...
Chean Nee
Remember How We Used to Laugh to This?
i remember how u laughed when the #@#$#@$%$# part came.
when i listen to this song, it's like ur there..next to me.
Goodbye and Rest in Peace Bro
rest in peace bro.
till we meet again..
-cara.MON-tay-, as how u called me.
chia yi chin
Do You Still Remember?
The Illusive Dream
Where might you be going this fine day my friend?
Off along an aimless road that soon must end
Chasing an illusive dream that shines so fair
But when found isn't there.
I can understand your weary sigh, my friend
There but for the grace of God go I, my friend
Come, and let Him lead you to your journey's end
Oh, come along and walk with him.
If without the Grace of God your life should end
And before the face of God you'd stand, my friend
What would your illusive dream avail you then?
So, come along and walk with Him.
My Brother, My Friend
Last week, he was asking me about blogging and I referred some famous blog sites, such as kennysia.com and Patrick Teoh. Now, he has a blog site dedicated to him. It is very sweet of Kwek to start this blog as a tribute to his good friend. Thanks Kwek.
See, we can plan as much as we want in life. But the moment you take life for granted, everything that you plan for becomes meaningless.
He also showed us that it is the imperfections of a person that makes him beautiful. He was someone who had many talents but never realise it. He gave in to temptations but was always aware of his mistakes, and openly admitted it when asked. He was always insecure about himself. His palms would get all sweaty if pretty girls spoke to him. Yet, his friends are so multi-racial and ranging from students more junior than him to seniors more senior than me, and uncles more senior than our dad. He was never the loud, live of a party kind of person but he lighted up the life of people around him with his silly jokes and goofy character. I keep thinking that the one person we need now in this situation is Tian Leng to just say something that is totally out of this world and crack us up.

I would like to end with an sms message which Tian Leng sent to me some time back. In his message, which was sent out-of-the-blue, he said “Eventhough I don’t know how to express my feelings, I don’t show love to you all but deep down in my heart, I do love you all a lot! I know I don’t show care and concern about you all but deep down inside I do. It’s because we are brought up in a way that we keep everything in our heart. It’s like a saying empty vessels make the most noise because they don’t think before they talk. I’m quiet because I use that time to think. If you have any problems in life just give me a buzz. I will help you as much as I can. I am willing to sacrifice my life just for you all. You may think that I am dumb and naïve and narrow-minded but its’ this type of people that can be trusted. That can be counted on when you need them.”
Partying with Angels
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Memories and Thoughts that Keep You Alive.

Jack: hey, how la?can you be my gf?
Me: dunnola. call me tomro morning then you'll know la.
Jack: really ah? okok. i will call you k.
And true enough, you waited. and yes, i felt so much like your princess when you would suprise me with those lilies, the beautifully made coffee fragrance card, the well written valentine's card and the ever fav soft toy, patrick. never in my wildest dream could i imagine looking at those gifts with teary eyes everyday since you left. ......
i miss those random talks we had when we became friends after the breakup. how you would call me "kepo" when i asked of your new sweetheart. but always questioned me bout my life instead. like wai seng would call you, CNN Reporter. i was pretty suprised when hsieh may mentioned of your fear of darkness and ghosts for you have never mentioned those to me. now i think i know why. and so does kwek koko. hehe. that reminds me so much of our meet ups. scary but worth the try. i wouldnt trade that for anything.
those beautiful and wonderful time we had...... how i wish i could walk in the beach with you again, and to hang on the phone for endless hours. and the one thing i wish to say, is to apologise for what i've done you wrong. but those words are left unanswered. you are far gone now. thank you for the memories. they keep you alive, jack. always will be remembered.
Free into The Ocean
we're preety sure tis is wat he wans since he wishes to travel the world sumday..wel now he can..4 free summore ler!
the ocean is like a part of his life..he luves the sea..he luves the waters..may the waters bring him to whereva he may go..
now he can b wit his frens whu aint here in malaysia..he'l b all over the world in evry corner of the earth..
i noe the place whr he's goin he'l b hpy..no worries n i'm sure he'l b crackin his usual jokes to all the angels around the world n tellin him bout his loving family,sohai frens,n all his stupid jokes n tings tat he had done..
although we cant hear his macho voice,stupid jokes n his cackling laughter but we will remember it always..
i would like to share a sms tat he sent to my sister some time ago.
-even though i don know how to express my feelings i don show love to you all but deep down inside my heart i do love you all alot! i know i dont show care and concern bout u all but deep down inside i do..its because we are brought up in a way that we keep everything in our heart its like saying empty vessels make the most noise because they don think b4 dey talk.i'm quiet because i use that time to think.if you have any problem in life just give me a buzz..i will help you as much as i can...i am willing to sacrifice my life just for you all...you may think i am dumb and naive..narrow minded..but its this type of ppl tat can be trusted..tat can br counted on when you need them.
-with love,tian leng-
khoo tian leng,u hav been a fantastic person.we're very pround 2 hv u in our lives.u will owys b remembered in our hearts,soul n mind forever.
we love you forever!! Muackz!!
Your sister, June June
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
A Man with Dreams
To be honest, I've had countless heart to heart talk with Jack for my whole life.. We'll just grab a few beers and some peanuts and we'll talk till morning. By the beach, that's where we spill everything.
Jack is a family person. He loves every member of his family to bits and used to tell me how much his mum loves him and how he hopes to repay her in the future. He knows it, although he doesn't really show it, but he always tells me how much he loves his mum. The person he admires most I know it's her sister, Hsieh May. He told me how he saw his sister develop herself into someone so successful and he is VERY proud of her. He used to tell me ... "saw that nigga, my sister got us to the jacky cheung concert! For thatttttt, we have to drink to celebrate". He looks up to you alot Hsieh May.
I remember him telling me how he was caught ehem watching xrated movies by his dad hahahaha and how he was in cemas mode. :) that was those funny moments. To me, he's very very respectful to his dad.. He used to tell me how he enjoys talking to his dad and how he stole his dad's salem and beers. And he shares the beers with me most of the time. I remember clearly how he said that he'll do his best to help out at the store and how his parents are working so hard to give him education.. he said he really admires uncle n aunty because they are always working hard to keep the store running.. He's grateful that everything that has been provided for him and he gets to live a comfortable life.
As for Jun Jun, he loves you the most. Remember the other day I told you the stories bout him telling me bout you? He is always worried bout you and he always tell me "eh i suspect jun jun got bf wei. how ahhh foul rite.?!" ah the great times:>
I always enjoy driving to and back from subang with Tian Leng. He's my official co-pilot. Whenever I drive back, he's there, most of the time. And we'll listen our favorite song, talk cock, sing ... talk bout life and all. I remember how he always brings back bags of groceries and always say 'eh take la, my mother give u wan." and I'll always end up with heaps of groceries:> what i'm trying to say is, Jack always puts his friends above himself. All the time. All the time.
I remember clearly as if it was yday... the day I hit my car against the divider.. he was the first to be there to help me out.. he stayed throughout the day and didnt even complaint of boredom because we were there at the station for ages. I remember how he always borrows money to his friends who were in need of help, while he himself only had barely enough.
Jack is always the peacemaker as well. Always when theres a war between friends, he's always the middle man to solve all the problems. I remember wai seng having problems n all with some friends. HAHAHAHHAHAH but still he sticks with him thru thick and thin. I believe he's the most "yao yi hei" guy that I've ever met. Never ffk me b4.. always an honest guy with very well kept promises. I love him man. Seriously I love him. I remember telling nee, how I'll definitely fall for him if I'm a girl. haha but its true.
He is definitely a Leader and a great team player. Thats why I always believe that he will make it big one day. I remember him asking me, how to be successful and all.. he was reading books form Robert Koyosaki erm.. and I remember telling him"why are u even worried jack, ur already half there! "everybody knows it, he's gonna make it big one day. He has the three biggest quality. VERY Lovable, teamplayer, and a great leader. What more do you ask for from such a fantastic individual? I call him the networker. He's the one who connects people, just like what Nokia did, he connected ppl from all around him to become as ONE. The uniter. Without him, everything goes haywire. I maybe older than him, but I certainly look up to him as my tai lou, my big bro. Don't think he's only made out of playfulness, whenever i needed advise, he's always giving me shockingly logical and mature advises. Words that only can uttered through a sincere heart, sincere individual who's there really to help you. Nothing else.
I'll continue the next part soon.. good night peeps, talk to u soon jack.
Testi #21
Christi Toa
once a BC always a BC!
His last words to me when we met bout 2 weeks ago was "wei nigga i'm gonna open my restaurant when i finish next year n i wan u to become my exec chef".
I guess dat wont be happening anytime...he was the most hilarious n the most sohai n the most annoying 1 in the BC...but without him the BC is never complete..i guess this is just life god loves u more den we do...u will always b in our hearts....we love u very much bro n we will miss u very much....till we meet again..dun b a stranger nigga...
Best Friends and a Bro
Prakash Robin
Brown Man
Galvin, pigeon, brown brother
Testi #20
Sharon and Jason (Australia)
Just Feel Like Walking with U Again
Why la why la mus u go and jus leave. u know how it feels every time i read that? i sent u a song man. that's our song..
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
My Darling Lengchai
Those gay sms u sent me? Remember?