I have known Tian Leng for my whole life. Seriously, he's the only one I proudly call my "Best Friend". People say, friends last forever, but best friend, stays for eternity. Let me tell you a lil of what I thought bout Jack.
Back in the days, I remember clearly how we used to play badminton under the late uncle Teck Soon. He was damn fat seriously round as me haha. And I remember me, Tian Leng and Julian will always bully Zi Jian. HAHAH from burying dead lizards to playing in tight matches, and having breakfast at spices with unc teck soon. I remember how he was such a playful young kid who's so pure n innocent. Oh well, he has always been playful.
As years go by, we begin to become great friends and attended the same primary and secondary school. We used to go cycling, fishing, basketball, etc etc together during the younger years. He has always been a great athlete. I remember he used to participate in many trialtalon and swimming competitions. Used to play good tennis with him too. And not forgetting our basketball days. He plays almost everything seriously this guy is a sports all rounder. A role model in sports. He's like the most influential player on the football pitch, and also a great badminton player. Oh yea..not forgetting ping pong in Corus too..
We started to really get along when he was 14, we attended a church camp somewhere in Perak. hmmm couldn't really remember but I reckon was Young Teens Camp. There, I started to got close with Wai Seng, another best friend of Jack's. Both of them used to have their hair coloured in red or blonde. HAHA they were camp freaks! but certainly, as always, Jack was a popular figure.Through his friendliness and cheekiness, we made countless camp friends and got ourselves together a group. :) happy times back then.
I've gone through hell with this guy. Everybody who knows him, knows that he's one guy you can really count on. No matter how deep a shit you got yourself in, he WILL ALWAYS be there for you. I can't recall how many times he was there for me when i got myself in trouble. Always the first person to be there. No matter what, he'll be there. To him, priorities were always given to friends, often overlooking himself.
Of course there were some unpleasant experiences as well, ahahaha remember Pigeon? AAHAHH, gal if ur reading this, brown will always stay brown. Through Tian Leng, I made countless buddies. First it was Malar and Rendica, then came the BCs. And he brought me closer to the my juniors from Rajiv to Prakash, those people whom I'll never call brothers if not because of him. Because of Jack, I made many many good buddies. Faisal, Bala, Tai, and the rest of the BCs. You guys made my best time of my life. And every good memories will have Jack inside it. It's pretty hard for me swallow this sudden news.. it's hard but life goes on.
I have so much more to write bout him, I think I can write a book. I'll continue again soon.
Anyway, the purpose of this blog is to collect testimonials for my brother, tian leng. I know everybody who knows him, I'm very sure he has touched your heart in certain ways. May it be good or bad, please send in your testimonials to kukulengleng@gmail.com and I'll publish the testimonials up. I'll keep this running for as long as I live, and one day, I believe when we look back, it will be a great read.And this I believe will always remind us, how wonderful a person Jack is.
So yea, please email your testimonials to kukulengleng@gmail.com and remember to include your name as well.
He will always be in our hearts, and lets continue to live a better life! be strong and I believe this is how Jack wants us to be :> Lets all remember how great a friend he was. I love you Jack, my one and only blood brother.
Kwek Huang Kun
1 comment:
..our beloved fren,khoo tian leng,may his soul rest in peace always..we love u forever..ur smiles,ur sound,n even ur jokes will always around us..
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