Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Truth is not easy to come by.

Especially when the "why" remains unanswered, many of us still can't rest in peace.

Some say "Just let go. It's all fated."

But "How" ... if "Why" is still left with so many question marks.

Tian Leng may had many flaws. But despite his many split personalities (he liked to act to make ppl laugh), he was also pretty much a predictable sort of guy. Close friends would know his character and read him like a book.

So high. The green-tiled rooftop slants downwards. Misty night, wet roof, no witnesses or witnesses who claimed they didn't see him or hear him step into THEIR room... Yet, the police at Genting has closed off the case as accident without any solid witnesses or questioning. Why didn't he just get the key from his room mate? What was the fight all about between the Indian students and the Disciplinary Master just before the incident?

The mystery of Khoo Tian Leng or the unbelievable truth?

- Hsieh May -

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